the frank hayden project
is an initiative to explore,
promote,and preserve hayden's legacythrough scholarship
and new resources

For decades Hayden opened us to what art can be
When He passed away in 1988, a meaningful voice was silenced. we aim to understand what that voice was and create ways to bring it back


recording accounts with Hayden's friends, colleagues, students and art collectors
locating resources & Hayden related articles
story research
site research
contextual research
documenting and Archiving
Photo and video documentation of Hayden art
Documentation of hayden related places
compiling Hayden related information
creating new resources
Web resources like this website and social media
Photographs and videos
a podcast series
a blog
a documentary film
documentary shorts
Walking tours and presentations

Frank Hayden's story teaches about many things. These are some:
art and spirituality
art aesthetics and history
value of public art
Social Justice history
leaders of social justice
HBCus in the 20th century
history and place
the humanities

We are working to engage with a wide variety of consultants on this project.
in this effort we are
building a network of people in:
Baton Rouge
New Orleans
South Bend, In
New York
and elsewhere
This includes places in Hayden's life like Xavier University, Southern University, the University of Notre Dame, and his art studies in Munich, Copenhagen, and stockholm.
We are working to engage with arts organizations,
museums, cultural organizations, Historical institutions, libraries, community centers and more in these places.